Secret of success

The world won't look at you until you succeed and no one work for your success until you start working for your very own Success. So start working for yourself. 

Here it is, my present for you "secret of success" : 

Just 3 steps to attain Success
1. Choose one goal.
2. Make that goal is your life.
3. Keep moving towards the goal.

Thats it. If you follow this simple narms, then  success will definitely hug you.

These three steps may be simple to read but it's very hard to follow. Let me tell you in detail.

1. Choose one goal : This is step one on the way to success. Choose only one goal because setting multiple goals make you confuse and slower your success. Choose the goal by analysing yourself, and according to your strength, weakness, likes, passion.., etc. In simple words find your goal by doing swot analysis on you.. Take your own time to choose your goal because once your goal is choosen, there  is no choice to change the goal or going back to pavilion. That'sy im saying take your own time, even you can take years to set your goal. 

2. Make that goal is your life : This step is related to inner power. For example you can say believe in yourself, self-confidence, self-motivated.., etc. Making your goal is your life which means you have to fix that goal is your ultimate destination in any course of your life. Find your way to achieve your success everyday. In simple words,  you should not let go not even a single day without thinking about your goal and You should not divert to any other goals. Thinking about your goal and your success will help you in course of getting it automatically. The universe will help you.

3. Keep moving towards the goal : This is the most toughest and final step in achieving your goal and success. Keep on moving towards the success. Many will fail in this stage because of jealousy. People start getting jealous of people who succeed in their goal just because they started with us or started after us. So eventually they start feeling sad and depressed. They stucked here by seeing others success. To overcome this situation and to achieve the success we must focus only on our way and not to see others and comparing their success with us.. 

If you follow these three steps, im the 1st person going to call you as "champion of success"
